Sunday, 23 March 2008

QIE's Dating Profile....

....well, it's up on a well-known dating site. I'd love to post the link but something akin to compassion stops me. After all, it is a ghastly profile. I've always wondered about dating sites and just exactly what their purpose is. After all, from reading profile after profile, it reduces people to preferences, a restaurant menu, a do or don't. And nowhere is this better evidenced than on QIE's profile, where he's spent time creating a 17 question (there you go, there's your first clue) monstrosity of a questionnaire, designed to whittle down the ladies from maybes to definites.

'Do you believe yourself to be the creator of your own destiny (YES), or do you believe in fate (NO)?' he asks.

How I laughed at this one, knowing that he believed that his own intellectual game had been lowered by living with his ex-wife and that his lack of progress at work was due to the slathering, oppressive jealousy of his boss, rather than his own incompetence.

'Would you rather spend your time on an all-inclusive holiday (NO) or an adventure holiday (YES)?'

Sounds a nice, go-getting choice, designed to cut the wheat from the chaff and select only women who'd shop at Berghaus if they won the Lottery. Shame that he obviously failed to include another, more plausible option, however.

'Would you like to spend your time sitting uncomfortably next to me on the sofa whilst I try to persuade you to have anal sex by pointing out that I've already got the Anchor in (YES)?'

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