'Hullo!' he said (he's a former public schoolboy), 'ur missing so much!'
'Care to share?' I quipped back, '(course you do! You go to orgies!)'
He barged on, trying to forward me pictures of a tart wearing nowt' but engorged lips and a pair of what looked like leather chaps.
'You'd look good in this!' he brayed, 'I've thought about you,' he added, as an afterthought. The translation that he'd been tossing off over a vague sensory memory of me, plus the good ladies of Leicestershire did nothing for me.
Bored, savage, in a teasing mood, I asked him if he'd like a threesome with my (gender not specified) housemate.
Quick to pick up on the pertinents....'male or female?'
'Male,' I trilled, 'but he's a lovely guy!'
'Yes, when were you thinking?' he typed back.....
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